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Private Pilot Ground School Lesson 1.1 | Introduction to Flight

Private Pilot Ground School Lesson 1.1 | Introduction to Flight

hello everybody welcome to the epic flight academy private pilot airplane single engine ground school course my name's mike thompson i'll be your instructor as we go through the course now remember to get the most out of this course don't just watch these videos after you watch these videos please study and review all the material on schoology and thirdly you must sit down and discuss and review with your flight instructor all right let's get started now in this course there's going to be a variety of books and manuals the first one that you're going to use is called the jefferson private pilot textbook now let me give you a hint in the use of any book or manual start with the table of contents the table of contents helps you get the big picture and stay organized in addition to the jepson book you're going to use the glime private pilot guide in addition to the gleim guide another text you're going to want to get to know very well throughout the course is going to introduce you to your aircraft the 172 poh pilot operating handbook as you'll discover before long the actual poh stays with the aircraft you're going to have a copy of the poh called the pilot information manual all right in addition to that you're going to gradually get to know what we call the far aim far for federal aviation regulations aim for aeronautical information manual as you study the fars for your private pilot exam and check ride you're going to see that the code of federal regulations is made up of titles and the titles are made up of parts title 14 is aeronautics and space that's where we're going to find the federal aviation administration inside title 14 under the faa we're going to find 199 different parts don't worry you don't have to know all 199.

initially for your private pilot you're going to be most familiar with part 61 certification of pilots part 91 are general flight rules part 43 maintenance and then under the department of transportation you're going to find part 830 and that's all about notification of aircraft accidents as you get to know the aeronautical information manual again table of contents is critical you're going to see that there are 10 chapters in the aim now besides those textbooks and handbooks the faa publishes what they call advisory circulars pilots call these ac's for short one of the things we say in aviation is hey there's an ac for just about anything here's an example of an advisory circular okay these are extremely helpful and very helpful on a wide variety of topics the faa also publishes what we call notams now these used to be called notices to airmen recently the name has changed the faa now refers to these as notice to air missions no tams are time critical aeronautical information that's not sufficiently known in advance to permit publication on a chart or in a handbook we're going to deal primarily with two types the no tam d which is distance no tams and the fdc no tams those are flight data center no tams for ifr procedures and technical flight i'm sorry temporary flight restrictions the best way to stay on top of tfr's temporary flight restrictions is at the faa's no tam website now when we talk about becoming a pilot we also talk about category and class of aircraft to fly what do we mean when we talk about this categories are broad classifications of aircraft we're going to look at four airplanes rotorcraft gliders and lighter than air now a class of aircraft is a subset of a category and class of aircraft are aircraft with similar operating characteristics for example if we're looking at airplanes we may say that single engine airplanes are a class or multi-engine airplanes are a class or water aircraft otherwise known as seaplanes so in the category these are all airplanes but they are different classes next let's talk about certifications pilots receive a pilot certificate and there are several different pilot certificates the first one that you are going to possess is called a student pilot certificate in order to achieve this certificate you must have a current medical and you must be at least 16 years of age unless you're flying a glider or a balloon in which case you could be 14 but for airplanes 16 years old you also must be able to read speak and understand english you're going to hold your student pilot certificate while you're working toward your first goal your first goal is your private pilot certificate this certificate is used to fly vfr that means under visual flight rules and visual meteorological conditions people use the private pilot certificate to fly for pleasure or personal business we cannot accept compensation or fly for hire with a private pilot certificate once you achieve that you'll work on your commercial pilot certificate the commercial pilot certificate is required if you want to be compensated to fly professionally eventually you'll work on what we call the airline transport pilot certificate or atp for short other pilot certificates include sport pilot and recreation pilot now pilot certificates can have ratings attached to them let me give an example you ever heard the expression you can put a boat on a ship but you can't put a ship on a boat ratings and certificates work like that you can put a rating on a pilot certificate let me give an example you hold a private pilot certificate and you want to be able to fly in a wider range of weather conditions you're going to attempt to get what we call an instrument rating and with a little work with your instrument flight instructor you take an instrument check ride and you have an instrument rating on your private pilot certificate or a multi-engine rating say you want to fly a multi-engine airplane you get that multi-engine rating on your certificate other ratings include seaplane rotorcraft gyroplane glider and lighter than air okay guys and gals that's just about it for today now at the end of every session like this what we want to do is wrap up with a short q a so here we go i want you to answer this yourself if you can't answer it right away use schoology and be sure to review it with your flight instructor question number one far91 is that regulatory or is it advisory question two advisory circulars are those regulatory or are they advisory okay question three name a category of aircraft name a class of aircraft all right guys and gals ladies and gentlemen that's it for today see you next time [Music] you

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