With 2,326 hours since major overhaul on the 200-horsepower Lycoming IO-360, this Cardinal’s engine is a few hundred hours past the manufacturer’s recommended TBO. But, with IO-360 overhauls running around $40,000, the total investment of $120,000 would result in an example...
Ask most aircraft owners what type provides the best balance of payload, short/soft field capability, and ease of ownership, and one of the most popular recommendations would be the Cessna 182 Skylane. But with most 182 prices hovering around $150,000 –...
Well-informed readers are aware that MOSAIC—Modernization of Special Airworthiness Certification—is nearly upon us after years of proposals, public comment, and endless discussion among pilots. MOSAIC, which can really be described as a significant broadening of the rules surrounding both light sport...
Today’s bargain blends aerobatic capability with tens of thousands of dollars worth of upgrades in a package that will likely provide its new owner with decades of inverted fun. First produced in 1964, the Bellanca Citabria is one of the most...
Today’s bargain provides Cessna 182 functionality and power at a Cessna 172 price. Introduced in 1958 as a more powerful 172, the Skylark was originally equipped with a 180 hp geared version of Continental’s O-300. While owners generally enjoy the engine...
Oshkosh offers something for every pilot and more than any one person can see. I’ll mention this news briefly as I wish to pay respect to fellow pilots. Two accidents on the weekend after we departed resulted in four fatalities, reportedly...
Pilots who have attended the Aero Friedrichshafen show in Germany may have spotted Pegaso since it was first exhibited in 2018. Six years later, the model lacks American representation, so ‘Yankee’ pilots generally don’t know this flying machine. This is Pegaso,...
Light sport aircraft (LSA) have been part of the aviation firmament for almost 20 years and over that time some models established themselves even as newcomers regularly arrived. The way the FAA accepts—not “certifies”–-these airplanes allows for rapid improvement, which has...
We’ve kicked off a new feature for Plane&Pilot readers that gives you insight into the latest affordable aircraft posted on our sister site, AircraftForSale.com. Check back every day for a featured deal, and be sure to let us know what you...
The truth is you have so many choices when shopping for aircraft that this column offers perhaps its most useful function: helping you sift through the many aircraft you could fly. If you find a number of aircraft you like, how...