get your pilot license

Adding a MAJOR UPGRADE to my Pilot License!

This is my FAA private pilot's license. 
It means I can fly an American registered   aircraft anywhere in the world as long as it's 
not under instrument meteorological conditions.   So why then have I traveled all the way across 
the world to here in New York City to this   tiny little building on the corner of two very 
unassuming streets here in Brooklyn let me explain [Music] [Music] so let me explain to you why I am here in the 
US I currently have an Australian issued pilot's   license which allows me to fly Australian 
registered aircraft that's any aircraft   which has got VH before its registration just 
like Victor Hotel Echo Yankee Zulu anywhere in   the world that's great when I'm flying my own 
aircraft but sometimes if I am flying overseas   I like to hire other aircraft and quite often the 
easiest type of aircraft to find is a November or   an enregistered aircraft which comes under the FAA 
the American Federal Aviation Administration rules   and regulations in 2019 I actually worked with my 
friend Philip to do a license conversion basically   from my Australian private pilot's license to an 
American FAA registered one and then you can fly   November registered aircraft anywhere in the world 
as pilot in command now that's great for just kind   of Joy flights and flying around and I've done 
that in the UK in the past as you would have   seen on the channel but I actually wanted to add 
my instrument rating to that FAA license and in   order to do that you do need to take a test you 
do need to come here to the US and things get a   little bit well not more complicated but it's 
just a few more steps that you have to [Music] take if you think this next sequence is going 
to involve me ice skating you obious you never   see me ice skating and you are sorely mistaken 
so the first thing you're going to want to do   if you want to convert your foreign license to 
an FAA license is you're going to need to set   up an account on a system called iacra that's 
the integrated Airman certificate and rating   application now what that gives you is it gives 
you an ftn which is an FAA tracking number and   you're going to need your ftn whenever you speak 
to anyone from the FAA regarding your application   now if at this stage you don't have any FAA 
license whatsoever then you can apply for the   regular one and you can apply for the instrument 
rating Edition at the same time I actually did the   two things separately you don't need to do that 
you can do it all as part of the same process   but whatever you're doing the first step you need 
to do is a foreign pilot's license verification I   basically had to say hello FAA I want you to 
verify my license they give me a form I then   fill out that form and give it back to cassa 
here in Australia who say yes Stephan jury does   have these licenses and ratings they then send 
that form back to Oklahoma and once Oklahoma has   that form from cassa and all of my documentation 
that's when they can give me a tick and say yes   this person has got the ratings and privileges 
to be able to get an FAA license you are then   ready to take the FAA written instrument exam 
and that's why I had to come to America cuz you   can't do it anywhere else in the world and that's 
why I headed across to [Music] Brooklyn [Music] I'm in Brooklyn now this is the PSI exams 
testing facility this is where I need to   take my exam I'm a bit nervous I we'll 
be honest in um quite a noisy Brooklyn   I hope there's earplugs or something because 
there's a lot going on and then hopefully I   come out of there for me which will be 
I think it's 2 hours but few in like   a matter of seconds hopefully I come 
out of here with good news so wish me luck I passed I actually did quite well in that 
a lot better than I thought and a lot of That's   Got to Do with the the shepherd air program that 
I used for practice and training beforehand there   was nothing in the exam that I wasn't expecting 
the questions that I got some of them I'd even   seen in the practice exams before and I knew how 
to navigate around the f a supplement book that   you've got with all the figures and legends 
and instrument approach plates and everything   that you need for the exam I found it really 
easy to navigate CU you get 2 and 1 half hours   and I finished it in 50 minutes and that's not 
just some big flexx I think it's a testament to   the study strategy that shepher air actually 
have which which got someone like me prepared   to take the [Music] exam [Music] there are two 
key words that you need to know if you want to   pass the FAA instrument written test and they 
are shepher air now if you are taking the exam   as a foreign pilot like me you don't need to 
take the full FAA instrument written exam the   same exam that Pilots here in America would 
be taking if they're doing their instrument   Racing for the first time if you're a foreign 
pilot converting your license you need to take   the instrument foreign-based pilot exam now on 
top of that there is another version of that   foreign pilot exam if you come from one of what's 
called a basa or it's a bilateral Aviation safety   agreement countries of which Australia is one if 
you are from a basa country you take a slightly   different version of the instrument rating exam 
and the good thing about that exam is it's only   40 questions not the 50 that you normally have 
to take for the full instrument written here in   America and yes to study for the exam like I said 
I used a system called shepher air now that was   because I didn't really feel like I needed to 
do the full Ground School training and then do   practice exams for me it was about learning what 
types of questions are going to be coming up and   then doing basically a bunch of practice exams 
and shepher a is awesome for that if you do need   to do the Ground School component as well for 
a bit of a refresher then yes you could there's   online systems there's flight insight sporties 
and also some of the other YouTube Pilots out   there like angular attack learn the finer points 
they all have courses online that you can check   out as well but if like me you basically just 
need training for how to pass the test shepher   a I cannot believe that shepher a is actually 
well I can't believe it's legal to be honest   it only costs $45 to get full access to their 
questions the same questions that appear on the   test you're not just doing similar questions 
you're learning the exact same questions that   you see on the test now it's not just aank could 
practice exams that you go through one after the   other sheer air actually have a really clever 
system which is their IP so I'm not going to   tell you all about it here and they basically get 
you match fit so when you're taking the practice   exams if you take a couple and you're getting 
in the high 90s which because of their system   I was they say at that point just go ahead and do 
the exam that's exactly what I did the other very   cool thing about the FAA instrument written 
exam unlike Australia I don't know what it's   like in other countries in Australia when you 
do the instrument written exam it's a multiple   choice test and you have to choose the correct 
out of four possible answers the FAA test you   only have to choose out of three possible answers 
I just like that it makes it a little bit easier   I don't know why anyone wouldn't use the shepher 
air system it's just well like I say it should   be illegal it's very very [Music] good and now I 
have my paperwork and I have everything ready to   go there's still one final part of the process 
which is I've got to go to what the FAA call a   firstone flight standards district office show 
them my paperwork show them my identification   they put everything together and hopefully that 
will mean that the instrument rating which I've   now passed and proven to the FAA that I know how 
to do that in America that will be attached to   my American license and the whole process will 
be done but to do that I've got to go to JFK [Music] the only times I've ever heard fizo 
mentioned before in the sphere of YouTube   is normally when someone's in trouble and um 
I believe this is where you have to come if   there been like a FAA violation or something 
you've been reported to the FAA I've always   heard about people coming to the fizo to answer 
some questions and resolve the whole situation uh   so hopefully I'm going to give you a foo 
positive story on YouTube instead cuz in   this building here where the FAA are located 
hopefully this is the last part of call on   my whole trip to get my instrument rating added 
to my license it's going to work out how to get [Music] in [Music] one really important point to 
consider in all this of course is you need to make   sure that your original pilot's license remains 
valid if any of your ratings or privileges Laps   on your original license anything that's tied into 
that on your FAA license is also going to lapse as   well so once you have that FAA license it's not 
just there in perpetu you need to maintain your   existing one but you also need to do FAA uh 
license revalidations with an FAA instructor   as well you now have two licenses which is 
great but you also have two licenses that you   need to keep current but now I can fly a November 
register aircraft anywhere in the world under the   instrument flight rules which I'm really humbled 
and lucky and privileged to be able to do and I'm   really grateful that I've had the opportunity to 
do that if you're interested in a video about the   differences between between the FAA regulations 
and cass's regulations so basically what's it like   flying in America versus flying in Australia 
let me know because some of the things about   flying under the FAA regulations just they really 
make a lot of sense and I wish they'd be adopted   in other parts of the world just like Australia 
let me know in the comments otherwise thanks for   watching I'm going to enjoy New York I love this 
city so much it's so cool to be [Applause] back

As found on YouTube

get your pilot license