The insets show where Hotel Rössli, in picturesque Unterbach, is located. (Image created by The Aviationist, using Google Maps, Hotel Rössli and USAF images) A century-old hotel in Unterbach, Switzerland, has become the focus of American intelligence due to its proximity...
A Swiss Air Force F/A-18C at Meiringen (Image credit: David Cenciotti). In the boxes, the highway segment selected for “Alpha One” exercise (SRF News); an F-5 Tiger during a similar exercise in the 1990s (Swiss Air Force) The Swiss Air Force...
Helvetic Airways Embraer E190-E2 flies alongside the Patrouille Suisse. (Image via Daniele Maiolo / Best Shot Aircraft) The Swiss Army has announced it will renounce to a substantial part of the planned public events in the next two years, including AirSpirit24...