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Airline Pilot: What is the BEST part of flying for a living

Are you wondering what the best part about being an airline pilot is or Wonder what will people say when they find out you're an airline pilot I'm gonna tell you my five favorite things about flying for a living coming up 963 heavy fly heading 190 maintain 1 0 10,000 runway 1 8 left clear for takeoff. Hey crew welcome to 74 Gear. My name is Kelsey I'm a 747 pilot today. I'm covering my five favorite things about flying for a living. This is gonna be my opinion Nobody else's but they're just the five things that I generally enjoy most about flying for a living Number one being able to say I'm a pilot There's something about aviation that people are fascinated about when people find out you're a pilot They're gonna be asking you a lot of different questions. Some of them you're gonna know some you're not gonna know for example yesterday I wrote on a commercial flight and I sat next to a couple I think there were a couple but the girl kept asking me questions a whole flight. What is what about this? What about that and just a million questions and then her boyfriend got excited too, and she he started asking me questions So my three-hour flight ended up being like a three-hour youtube video of me just answering a million questions about aviation I actually went to the back and the flight crew that was back were like "man your friends were really talkative." I was like, yeah, I don't know who they are.

They're just like they're just asking you questions I was like, yeah, it's three hours of question-and-answer. I was flying in uniform I just finished a flight and then ran over and grabbed a commercial flight that being said the fact that they're so interested about what You do for a living. It's really exciting Number two getting paid to travel around the world. I personally love to travel I like going places that I've never been meeting people that I've never met learning new cultures even going places where I'm a little bit uncomfortable because I don't know what people are saying Or what that food is it doesn't matter I like the adventure of it getting paid to do that is even better but you end up in different places every other day or every day and I enjoy when I get there to be able to go walk around and See different things and take some photos and send some videos to my friends That's something that's really fun.

And it's fun to share with people. That's why I made it an Instagram account. Follow me @74Gear You might go spend you know three days in Hong Kong or three days and Paris or South Africa in Johannesburg or a place like that and you'll meet people who are from there. It's fun to say Oh, yeah. I've been to your city. Oh, I really love this food or this place I went to and you automatically have a bond with somebody Because you've been to the place that they are from or that they also visited Once you become an airline pilot or any crew member really you automatically will have a bond with crew members anywhere that you go and That's a really nice thing to have if you're out or your loss or you need help you have an automatic Fraternity almost you are all part of a unique club where for a living you are in Different places around the world you get lost.

You don't know something you need help after a while You're generally able to identify crew members I don't know how but it's just a thing that you start to develop a keen sense of I was riding the elevator a few weeks ago and this girl had gotten on and I said "Who do you fly for?" and she was like, how do you know that I'm a flight attendant? I don't know what it was But I just knew when you're out in different places around the world.

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You can generally tell hey, that's a crew member You have an automatic bond generally when I'm flying and I'm not obviously when I'm not operating I'll go back and hang out with the flight attendants after they've done their service and Generally, I'm just I guess a chatter I like to go back and find out where they're going or what would overnight they have or where they're going next or places that they're gonna try to go on their days off partially because I want to know for myself what are people doing and maybe they give me an idea that I Didn't have it's like you have little groups of friends Scattered throughout the world and everywhere you go and that's awesome to be a part of that Number 4 flight benefits and that that's gonna be flight benefits for you or your family members depends on your Airlines of what the options Are essentially what it means is you're able to travel on usually your airline equipment for free if you have an overnight and let's say Rome and you want to go back there on your time off you have ten days off in a row So now what you can do is try to catch a flight and get there Usually it's free or you're gonna pay some taxes or something like that But you are able to catch a flight and go to that location and hang out Then when you're done and you're ready to come home, it's the same thing You're gonna be able to fly back for free that being said flight benefits.

Don't always work like a paying customer It's not like you are used to traveling if you normally pay for your ticket You're gonna fly space available and what that means is if that flight is full You're stuck and you're gonna have to get a different flight or a different way back home. It's kind of part of the adventure So you have to have an adventurous spirit! You can use and rely on the experience of more Experienced crew members you can tell them. Hey, I want to go do this thing What do you recommend that I do or is there a time of year that I should do it? Where should I go when I get there? They will usually help you and tell you.

Alright, you want to go to Hawaii? Well, look this is the time of year you want to go and there's this cool bar There's this cool restaurant or there's this really fun zipline to go do at this place here. Give your number I'll text you the information that I have in my phone and With that you can go and spend your week in that location and experience things that you really enjoy doing But you know you had a two day overnight there and you want to go back now You can be able to use your flight benefits to go back there and do that and have fun Number 5 is income potential and opportunities for where you want to live in the world I read a recent article from Boeing and it was saying the expectations is that in Asia For example, they were going to need more than two hundred thousand pilots over the next 20 years And that was just a she didn't talk about North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Australia or any of the other places Antarctica, maybe they'll need some pilots I don't know the demand and income potential for pilots right now is better than it's ever been so your opportunities are mostly based on when you have experience on larger jets large equipment and Captain Time PIC time time in those bigger aircraft and That's usually going to be a Boeing product for an Airbus product when you have PIC time and one of those you are Golden to go pretty much anywhere in the world That doesn't mean it's a great idea to jump companies every five years but Realistically if you wanted to go live an Asia for five years and then you live in Europe for five years and in South America For five years you have those opportunities to go and do that and that's really nice another example of what's happening with the demand and increasing on pilots you can see here in the US regional airlines where they're offering signing bonuses and increasing pay I know that some some of the regionals are even the management is going to the unions and saying hey, can we Increase the pay and they're trying to work out things in the contract They can do to increase the pay to attract more pilots that come to that regional airline that is not how it was a few years ago that Demand of pilots and experience is is really where your opportunities lie All right crew that wraps up my five favorite things about being an airline pilot If you liked this video give it a thumbs up and hit the subscribe button in the comments below let me know what your favorite thing about being airline pilot is or what you think your favorite thing about being an airline pilot will I Look forward to hearing from you until then keep the blue side up

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