By Dan Johnson In their second event, Aero Showcase is hosting a flock of airplanes at one of Florida’s most vibrant recreational aviation airports. Partners Alex Rolinski and Doma Andreka return for the second annual of their own event, which follows...
The Downtown Island Airport (KDKX) transformed into a Halloween haven on October 22, as it hosted its first “Hallowings” trunk-or-treat aircraft event. More than 1,200 enthusiastic visitors flocked to the Knoxville, Tennessee, airport to witness the impressive display and take part...
By Russ Niles The Senate confirmed White House nominee Michael Whitaker as the new FAA Administrator in a vote Tuesday. Whitaker seemed to breeze through the confirmation process, which was without the rancor and finger-pointing that marked the grueling questioning that...
By Meg Godlewski It is a VFR day, and it sure looks like you have the sky to yourself when suddenly the ADS-B comes alive with “Traffic. 12 o’clock, 2 miles. Same altitude.” You look around frantically but don’t see the...
By Dan Johnson Let’s get that name dealt with right away—say, “ACK-will-lay.” The model name looks more awkward than it is and sounds more graceful than it looks. The word translates from Latin as “eagle.” Though unusual, Aquilae is a worthy...
By Amy Wilder In the 66th Coupe Aeronautique Gordon Bennett, the competition has entered day four, and the tension is mounting. In the latest update from the Command Center at 7:00 a.m. MDT, only two gas balloons remain aloft, showcasing their...
The 66th Coupe Aéronautique Gordon Bennett—-the world’s most prestigious gas balloon race that’s also known as the FAI World Long Distance Gas Balloon Championship—is set for Saturday at 6 p.m. MDT (1 a.m. Sunday UTC). The event will be hosted by...
By Amy Wilder The FAA has announced a 90-day extension for the comment period on its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) titled Modernization of Special Airworthiness Certification (MOSAIC), according to an Aircraft Electronics Association (AEA) press release. Originally published on July...
By: Amy Wilder The Aviation Museum of New Hampshire is inviting local children to take flight this Halloween season and earn an official Broomstick Pilot License. On Saturday, October 21, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. EDT, the museum, located at...
Richard McSpadden, the senior vice president of the AOPA Air Safety Institute, died, along with one other person, in the crash of a Cessna 177RG near Lake Placid Airport in upstate New York Sunday, October 1. McSpadden was in the right...