Give the FAA credit for reacting quickly to pilot and industry pushback on changes to medical deferrals that were set to begin after the first of the year. As previously reported, a change to FAA policy on medical deferrals would have...
As the world’s Cessna 150 fleet approaches and even exceeds 60 years of age, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find clean, lower-time examples. It’s becoming even more difficult to find such examples that are well-kept, with nice-looking paint and lower-time engines....
Not long after the FAA announced their new medical deferral process, which includes instant initial denials for pilots who might have originally received a deferral, 14 organizations, including AOPA, ALPA, and EAA, united to send a letter requesting that Dr. Susan...
Aviation medical exams are stressful enough without any additional complications. But the FAA has just upped the ante, as a result of 2024’s reauthorization act. These complications could impact pilots with conventional medicals, those flying under BasicMed, as well as sport...
“This has been the best and most challenging job of my career, and I wanted you to hear directly from me that my tenure will come to a close on January 20, 2025,” said Whitaker in an email announcement to FAA...
On November 15, the FAA announced that pilots operating under BasicMed will be allowed to operate aircraft with a maximum takeoff weight of up to 12,500 pounds (up from 6,000 pounds), carry up to six passengers (previously 5), and allow designated...
I admit to being a little nervous when I have to fly an airplane with only a GPS navigator in the panel, aided only by a single communications radio, albeit with flip-flop frequencies. I suppose it’s because I grew up back...