MOSAIC was a subject of intense conversations at EAA AirVenture 2023 in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Surprising many of us, the FAA released the notice of proposed rule making (NPRM) for MOSAIC ahead of schedule. Lots of people who needed to study it...
FAA proposed regulation has powerfully captured the attention of many pilots. Pilots have tons of questions. We have some answers. Everyone has a lot to read. Overall, FAA’s proposal has been warmly received as it opens the door to more capable...
A little after 9 o’clock in the morning, seconds after takeoff, one of the pilots of a Velocity V-Twin radioed the Janesville, Wisconsin (KJVL), tower: “We’d like to circle back and land runway 32 and…work through some engine issues if we...
When a federal agency, such as the FAA, seeks public input on a proposed policy, providing a substantive comment is an essential way to voice concerns, offer suggestions, and contribute to the policymaking process. With Modernization of Special Airworthiness Certification (MOSAIC)...
Whenever I write about the FAA’s MOSAIC regulation, especially when I mentioned the date they predicted, a substantial percentage of all readers shrug this off, believing that the FAA will never complete it on time. What if I told you it...
Welcome back to FLYING‘s in-depth coverage of SAFECON 2023. Fasten your seatbelts for “Episode 4: The Ground Simulator,” where the battle of brains, nerves, and teamwork unfolds right before your eyes. First, we take you inside the cockpit of a Frasca RTD (reconfigurable...
The FAA is looking for pilots to participate in a paid research study to measure cognitive function in the aviator population. The study, which consists of four hours of cognitive testing, will take place at the 2023 EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh,...
Days after the House introduced a sweeping bipartisan FAA reauthorization bill, the Senate Commerce Committee released its own version of the legislation on June 12. Known as the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2023, the bill would authorize more than $107 billion in appropriations...
The FAA announced it will award $100 million to 12 airports across the country to help prevent runway incursions. According to the agency, the Runway Incursion Mitigation Program grant money will be part of its annual distributions and fund projects such...
The FAA sent a notice to pilots warning them not to disable terrain avoidance and warning systems (TAWS) aural alerts as the tool can be a critical safety feature in avoiding controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) accidents. The FAA’s warning came...