Many training programs for on-the-road vehicles focus on defensive driving techniques as a safety strategy. They include key points, such as avoiding distractions, trying to predict risks ahead, not assuming others will do what you would in a particular situation, being...
“Know your limitations and don’t exceed them” is common advice for aviators. That statement is all well and good, so far as it goes. It generally encourages you, as the pilot, to do a good job of preparing for each flight...
I never understood aviation until the day I lost it. In the span of two weeks, I failed a flight physical with my increasingly weakened eyesight and found a tumor that was removed the following day. In that moment, as I...
Light sport aircraft (LSA) have been part of the aviation firmament for almost 20 years and over that time some models established themselves even as newcomers regularly arrived. The way the FAA accepts—not “certifies”–-these airplanes allows for rapid improvement, which has...