June 6 marks the 80th anniversary of the Allied invasion of Normandy, France, in 1944. Code-named Operation Overlord, it was a massive logistical effort involving nearly 156,000 American, British, Canadian, free French, and Polish troops landing on five beaches along the coast...
Jimmy Doolittle was a man of firsts. First flight across the country. First flight solely by reference to instruments. First successful outside loop. In fact, it could be said that he is, in many ways, responsible for flying as we know...
Military service has always been a big part of my family’s heritage—and no doubt many others can relate. Learning more about the heroic and tragic story of one of my distant cousins—William L. Tingle—recently has provided an added boost to that...
There are countless stories of heroics stemming from World War II. The “Greatest Generation” fought battles both in the Pacific and Europe. Many never came home. But thanks to one man with a crazy idea, many men who would have otherwise...