In 1974, amidst a backdrop of historical events, John and Martha King embarked on a journey that would shape the aviation training landscape for decades to come. Their videos have touched the minds and hearts of generations of learner pilots. Now,...
Bad decisions are part of life. In every field, many have made some excruciatingly poor decisions. Our regrets to the publishers who turned down the Harry Potter franchise. And how about the actors that had a chance to be in one...
Using the brakes that are fitted to our airplanes seems like a simple exercise. Most of us recognize the need to slow down, press on the toe pedals, and get the desired response. If a swerve occurs, we’ll modulate the pressures...
Over the weekend, the Michigan Aviation Safety Forum (MASF) gathered pilots and mechanics to provide proficiency and safety seminars. The MASF is a yearly collaboration between industry stakeholders, aviators, mechanics, and FAA staff to provide safety forums and mechanic (IA) recurrency...
Redbird Flight, a prominent player in aviation technology, has initiated its fourth annual State of Flight Training survey, accessible via the company’s website. This survey, targeting various stakeholders from flight training organizations to pilots, seeks to provide comprehensive insights into the...
“MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY…Cessna 9 [unintelligible].” Another pilot on the frequency replied: “14A, how far north of the shoreline are you?” “Right in the middle. I’m out here by…there…there’s a boat going by… there’s a tanker getting drug. I am out in...
By my reckoning, there have been two golden ages of general aviation in my lifetime. The first peaked around 1976, coincidentally a year when so many of the airplanes we mere mortals can afford to own and fly today were constructed....
It’s not just me. Many of the pilot population in my circle confess to having the same difficulty: understanding what the heck ATC is saying, and what they want us to do. Controllers seem to talk faster, using lots of words....
Imagine you just went missed on an approach down to minimums. Based on what the ATIS, ASOS, or AWOS indicated, it seems like the weather is just on the edge of you being able to break out and make a landing....
Richard McSpadden, the senior vice president of the AOPA Air Safety Institute, died, along with one other person, in the crash of a Cessna 177RG near Lake Placid Airport in upstate New York Sunday, October 1. McSpadden was in the right...