Have you ever thought about getting your A&P? Maybe you want to learn more about aircraft systems to become a better pilot. Perhaps you would like to save money doing maintenance on your own aircraft. Or maybe you’re looking for a...
Welcome back to FLYING‘s in-depth coverage of SAFECON 2023. Fasten your seatbelts for “Episode 4: The Ground Simulator,” where the battle of brains, nerves, and teamwork unfolds right before your eyes. First, we take you inside the cockpit of a Frasca RTD (reconfigurable...
The National Intercollegiate Flying Association’s (NIFA) Safety and Flight Evaluation Conference (SAFECON) is the Super Bowl of collegiate aviation. This year, 28 of the best teams, having won their regional competitions, made their way to Oshkosh, Wisconsin, ready to display their...
For more than a century, the National Intercollegiate Flying Association (NIFA) has inspired collegiate aviators to strive for excellence through competition. NIFA’s history stretches back to post-World War I, when collegiate flying clubs organized their first intercollegiate competition in 1920. Some...
On June 1, the National Gay Pilots Association (NGPA) announced the commencement of the most generous scholarship cycle in its history. The NGPA is offering over $500,000 in scholarship funds to its membership this year, honoring its 25-year anniversary milestone in...
Mistakes are part of the learning process. With flying, often these mistakes can be expensive, even deadly when they result in incidents or accidents. When something happens, be sure the authorities investigating it will come back to the flight school—and the...
With the return of spring, they start making plans to increase their flying and that often means getting the rust off their IFR skills. A … Read More “Inaugural Spring Proficiency Class in Oshkosh April 24 through 28” The post Inaugural...
It’s rare to find a pilot these days who doesn’t rely on a digital service for their flight planning, management, or debriefing. Often that means using multiple platforms—until now. ForeFlight, a Boeing Company, has announced its acquisition of CloudAhoy, a debriefing...